
“All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God.”
(Deuteronomy 28:2, NASB)


God wants His people to live a blessed life. He wants to increase You so that you can be a blessing to others. In scripture, God told Moses that if His people would obey Him, blessing would overtake them like a a flood!

Think about it, how would your life be different if every area were overwhelmed with God’s blessing? Now, think about your life. Are there any areas where you can rise up in your level of obedience to Him? Is there something you know you need to do? Is there someone you know you need to forgive? Are you being faithful in your giving of your time, talent, and resources? If you want to see the floodgates of blessing open, be quick to do what you know you need to do. Obey His leading and watch His hand of blessing overwhelm every area of your life!


Father, show me any areas where I need to be more obedient to You. Help me to love others and be an example of goodness everywhere I go. Thank You for choosing me and using me to be a vessel of Your blessing. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

(Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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