Category: Scriptures & Prayers Posts

Daily Inspiring Scriptures and Prayers.

Set the Tone

Scripture “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.” (Psalm 34:1, NLT) Word When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you think about? What’s the first thing you say? Do you set the tone for success, favor and blessing? Yesterday may have had some hardships […]

Deep Waters

Scripture “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” (Proverbs 20:5, NIV) Word You are equipped with everything you need to fulfill your passion and purpose in this life! Everything you need is on the inside of you — like deep waters. You draw those deep […]

He Restores Your Soul

Scripture The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul…” (Psalm 23:1–3, NKJV) Word God wants to restore your soul. What does that mean? Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. You […]

Open Windows

Scripture “Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be […]

Know His Kindness

Scripture “…God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.” (Romans 2:4, NIV) Word In the natural, when we’ve wronged someone, sometimes it’s easier to avoid them than to face potential rejection. People unconsciously do the same thing to God. They think He’s mad at them or disappointed in them or that He is waiting […]

Appointments of Divine Favor

Scripture “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us […]

The Time of Favor

Scripture “…I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2, NIV) Word Now is the time of God’s favor! Not next week, not next month, not 20 years from now. No, now is the time God wants to amaze you with His goodness and overwhelm […]

Growing Strong through Praise

Scripture “No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.” (Romans 4:20 AMP) Word Did you know that when you praise, you are putting your faith in action? And just as putting your […]

Send it Today

Scripture “This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I pray, O LORD; O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity.” (Psalm 118:24–25, NKJV) Word In scripture, David said, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” We […]

Faith of a Child

Scripture “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3, NIV) Word Think about the faith of a child. They believe whatever they are told. They have a constant expectancy in their hearts. They keep on asking for what they desire and […]

Close the Door on Fear

Scripture “And do not give the Devil an opportunity to work.” (Ephesians 4:27, ISV) Word So many people today are living with less than God’s best because they’ve allowed fear to creep in and take root in their lives. Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Fear is […]

He Has Another Seed for You

Scripture “…For God has appointed another seed for me…” (Genesis 4:25, NKJV) Word In Genesis, Eve went through a great disappointment. Her son Cain killed her son Able which was the first murder in the Bible. I’m sure Eve, like any mother, was devastated and heartbroken at the passing of her son. But I love […]

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