
“And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts…”
(Matthew 2:11, AMP)


When the wise men first saw Jesus, they were completely overwhelmed. They fell to their knees and wanted to worship Him with everything they had. Giving was an automatic response. They wanted to lavish Him with their love and gifts because they were thankful and wanted to honor Him.
When you give to God, He doesn’t want you to do it just because it’s offering time or because you feel like you have to. In fact, the Bible says, “Do not give grudgingly or under compulsion.” God wants you to give because your heart is overflowing with thankfulness. He wants you to be happy and cheerful when you give. In fact, the Bible says, “He loves a cheerful giver.” He wants you to give out of a heart filled with honor and faith.
Think about the faithfulness of God today. Think about what He’s done for you — He saved and redeemed you. Think about the fact that He is your provider. As you meditate on His goodness, your heart will overflow with thankfulness. And just like the wise men, giving will be an automatic response!


Heavenly Father, I choose to meditate on Your goodness today. Thank You for loving and saving me. Thank You for redeeming my life from the pit. I give You everything that I am today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
(Joel & Victoria Osteen)
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