
“…He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”
(Psalm 23:3, NIV)


Are you in the land of “Just Enough?” Your needs are supplied. You’re grateful, but there’s nothing extra, nothing to accomplish your dreams. God is saying, “I did not breathe My life into you to live in the land of Barely Enough. I didn’t create you to live in the land of Just Enough.” Those are seasons. Those are tests. They are not permanent. Don’t put your stakes down. You are just passing through! It is only temporary. God has a Promised Land for you. He has a place of abundance, of more than enough where it’s flowing with provision. Not just one time, but continual increase, a land flowing with plenty!

Now if you’re in the land of “Barely Enough,” don’t you dare settle there. That is where you are; it is not who you are. That is your location. That is not your identity. You are a child of the Most High God. No matter what it looks like, you have this abundant mentality. Keep reminding yourself, “God takes pleasure in prospering me. I am the head and never the tail, and God is leading me in the path of blessing in every area of my life!”


Father, thank You for leading along the right paths for my life. I trust that Your ways lead me to the land of abundance. I thank You for provision today and for abundance tomorrow in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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