
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8, NIV


When things don’t go the way you planned or something unexpected happens, how do you respond? Do you start expecting the worst, or do you go to God’s Word and remind yourself of His promises?

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith activates God’s promises. When difficulties come and you’re tempted to get upset, remind yourself of His Word and declare, “This is not going to prosper against me. They may be talking about me. It may look bad, but I know God is my Vindicator. He’ll take care of me. I know God has me in the palm of His hand.”

When you remind yourself of His promises, you don’t have to get worried. You know God is still on the throne. You know that problem didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. So today, remind yourself of His promises and feed your faith so that you can move forward in the life of blessing He has prepared for you!


“Father, thank You for every one of Your amazing promises. I choose to meditate on Your Word today which brings life to my soul. Fill me with Your peace as I stand in faith until I see the victory You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

(Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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