
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)


So many people today are not really enjoying their lives because of the condition of their minds. They constantly dwell on negative, destructive, harmful thoughts. They don’t realize it, but the root cause of many of their problems is simply the fact that their thought life is out of control.

More than ever, we have to realize that our lives follow our thoughts. If you think negative thoughts, then you’re going to live a negative life. If you think discouraging, hopeless thoughts, or even mediocre thoughts, then your life is going to go down that exact same path. That’s why we have to take captive every thought and renew our minds with the Word of God on a daily basis.

I want to challenge you today to think about what you’re thinking about. Don’t let those self-defeating thoughts linger in your mind. Instead, speak God’s promises over your life. Declare what He says about you. Take captive every thought and renew your mind daily to His great and awesome promises!


“Father, today I choose to take captive every thought. I will renew my mind according to Your Word. Holy Spirit, thank You for being my teacher and helper. I invite You to direct me in the way that I should go. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

(Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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