Tag: place Posts

The Place of Blessing

Scripture “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’ ” (1 Kings 17:2–4, NIV) Word In scripture, God had a place of […]

Hiding in the Right Place

Scripture “In the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock” (Psalm 27:5, NIV) Word Have you ever watched children play hide and seek? They look for the best place to hide in the house […]

The Reward is Set in Place

Scripture “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV) Word Have you ever thought about the fact that a reward is put into place before anyone ever claims it? Right now, there are rewards for certain fugitives on the loose. That money is already in […]

Your Place of Blessing

Scripture “Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah: Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there” (1 Kings 17:2-4, NIV) Word As a believer in Jesus, your steps are ordered by […]

Hiding in the Right Place

Scripture “In the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock” (Psalm 27:5, NIV) Word Have you ever watched children play hide and seek? They look for the best place to hide in the house […]

A Place of Abundance

Scripture “…We went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance” (Psalm 66:12 NIV).   Word Everyone has times in life when they feel like they are going through the fire, so to speak, or they feel overwhelmed with everyday life. If that’s you today, understand that God is going […]

The Place of Blessing

Scripture “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there” (1 Kings 17:2–4, NIV) Word As a child of the Most High God, […]

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