
“Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”
(Ephesians 5:15–16, NIV)


If you want to experience God’s best, stay focused on Him and on the things that are truly important. There will always be a thousand interesting and even worthwhile things to fill up your time, but there’s a good chance that most of those things will not help you live the best life that God has planned for you. There are many other activities you could get involved in that may be good in themselves; but if you try to do everything, you’ll wind up being average at a lot of things and not excellent at anything! Those who are living their best life now have their priorities in order. They make time for key relationships. People are God’s most precious creation and should be important in your life. Make sure to do what it takes to share quality time with those God has placed around you.


God, I want to live the best life You have planned for me. Today, help me to keep my focus on You and the things that matter the most. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

(Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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